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BOSE MOBILE ON-EAR HEADSETのユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。






[. . . ] Be aware of how these sounds may vary in character so you can recognize them as needed. Do not drop, sit on, or allow the headset to be immersed in water. Do not place the headset in a location subject to heavy dust, oil smoke, humidity, direct sunlight, direct light, or high temperatures, such as in a car. [. . . ] . Attach the headset cord to the headset cord connector Answering and ending calls The Bose® mobile on-ear headset includes an easy to access Answer/End button with integrated microphone. Simply press the Answer/End button to perform an action. Note: Some phones may require you to press and hold the Answer/End button for a few seconds to perform functions. Answering calls 2. Plugg the headset into the headphone/ headset jack on the phone. Once connected, you should experience: • Stereo sound to be heard during music playback and communications • Your voice to be heard by the person on the other end of a phone call • The Answer/End button to operate as expected When you receive an incoming call, press and release the Answer/End button to answer. Ending calls When you are ready to end your call, press and release the Answer/End button. Note: Some unique phone and music playback functions, like last number redial, voice commands, and track navigation are device-dependant, and may be accessible using the Answer/End button. Refer to your mobile phone user’s manual to find out what features are available. 6 English Dansk Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands Svenska USING YOUR HEADSET Wearing the headset After removing the headset from the case and unfolding the earcups (see page 5), put on the headset using the markings on the headband that identify the left (L) and right (R) earcups. Cleaning the headset Should cleaning be necessary, simply wipe the outside surfaces with a Earcup port damp cloth. Be sure the earcup ports are kept clear and that no moisture is allowed to get inside the earcup or microphone opening. Using audio “enhancement” features Many devices include features or settings which electronically alter the audio signal sent to the headset. These may include “bass boost” or other EQ settings. Other features may serve to limit volume out such as “sound check” or “volume limit. ” Finally, other features add spatialization effects such as “Surround”, “SMS”, “WOW”, or “3D. ” The Bose® mobile on-ear headset was designed to deliver high quality, balanced sound and deep, low notes without the need for any artificial enhancement. Therefore, when using the headset we recommend that you first turn off all the enhancement features before making any personal adjustments to the audio settings. Reattaching earcup cushions If an earcup cushion becomes detached from the earcup: 1. Align the two holes on the back of the cushion with the two posts on the earcup. Press in around the outside edge of the cushion to snap it in place. Make sure the cushion is flush all the way around and that there are no gaps between the cushion and the earcup. 7 Svenska Nederlands Italiano Français Español Deutsch Dansk English REFERENCE Troubleshooting If you experience any trouble using your headset, try the following troubleshooting instructions. If you still need help, call for assistance. See the contact information on the inside back cover. Problem No audio Intermittent audio Excessive bass Low volume/ poor audio Sound is coming from only one earpiece Incoming call ring tone not heard through headset What to do Make sure that the headset plug is securely connected to the headset jack. Make sure that the headset plug is securely connected to the headset jack. Turn off any audio enhancement features on the audio source. [. . . ] Place any necessary return authorization number prominently on the outside of the carton. Cartons not bearing a return authorization number, where required, will be refused. 9 Svenska Nederlands Italiano Français Español Deutsch 日本語 English 2 English 日本語 Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands Svenska 3 Svenska Nederlands Italiano Français Español Deutsch 日本語 English ヘ ッ ド セ ッ ト の使用 は じ めに こ の度はBose mobile on-ear headset を お買い上げ い た だ き、 誠に あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す。 ご 使用 に な る 前に必ず こ の取扱説明書 を お読み く だ さ い。 ま た、 必要 な と き に ご 覧に な れ る よ う に保 管 し て お い て く だ さ い。 ヘ ッ ド セ ッ ト の コ ー ド に マ イ ク を 装備 し て い ま すの で、 携帯電話の音 楽 を 楽 し み なが ら 、 い つ で も 簡単に通話が可能 で す。 小型軽量、 フ ラ ッ ト な イ ヤー カ ッ プ、 折 り た たみ式ヘ ッ ド バ ン ド 、 そ し て付属のキ ャ リ ン グ ケ ー ス で ど こ で も ボーズのハ イ ク ォ リ テ ィ サウ ン ド が楽 し めます。 通話ボ タ ン ヘッ ドセッ ト コード コネク タ ※ 説明の便宜上、 イ ラ ス ト は実物 と 異な る 場合 があ り ます。 内容物について : • オ ン イ ヤーヘ ッ ド セ ッ ト • 専用マ イ ク付ケーブル • キ ャ リ ン グケース マ イ ク 付ケーブル マイク (ボ タ ンの裏) キ ャ リ ン グケース 4 English 日本語 Deutsch Español Français Italiano Nederlands Svenska ヘ ッ ド セ ッ ト の使用 ヘ ッ ド セ ッ ト の し まい方 1. パ ッ ト が こ ち ら 側 を 向 く ま で イ ヤー カ ッ プ を 回転 さ せます。 2. [. . . ]



規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればBOSE MOBILE ON-EAR HEADSETのマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。



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