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マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル M-AUDIO KEYSTATION 61ES


[. . . ] MIDI MIDI MIDI / DC USB MIDI MIDI USB MIDI MIDI 2 USB MIDI OUT 9V DC USB USB 1. USB :USB 1 18 USB Keystation Pro 88 USB USB 13 MIDI 1. [. . . ] 2. /DC 9V, 500mA, USB 18 Keystation Pro 88 + DC 19 MIDI USB MIDI 2 MIDI -MIDI MIDI MIDI USB MIDI PROGRAM MIDI DATA LSB 15 MIDI /MIDI USB MIDI OUT FROM USB MIDI MIDI 14 MIDI MIDI USB- Windows XP Windows XP OS X Mac OSX USB Keystation Pro 88 USB MIDI Keystation Pro 88 *Class compliant Windows XP Mac Mac OS X * Windows 98 1. Keystation Pro 88 Windows ME CD-ROM Enter CD d:¥setup. exe CD-ROM D 3. Keystation Pro 88 Keystation Pro 88 18 Keystation Pro 88 USB MIDI J5 Windows 2000 1. OK OK D Enter 18 MIDI Continuous Installation Keystation Pro 88 CD-ROM Apple Macintosh OS 9. x OMS Keystation Pro 88 OMS OMS OMS OMS : 1. 6. CD-ROM CD-ROM Macintosh Restart Keystation Pro 88 OMS 1. Keystation Pro 88 USB Drivers Installer Open USB Drivers Installer Restart 18 ON OMS OMS 1. OMS Driver Search Keystation Pro 88 Search OMS USB Keystation Pro 88 6. MSB DATA LSB + MIDI : DATA MSB 3 MIDI LSB, MSB 6 4 MIDI MIDI Keystation Pro 88 3 2 LCD MIDI 2 LCD LCD 3 MIDI CC 1. MIDI CC MIDI CC + LCD MIDI CC : CC 2 J11 10 Windows 2000 Windows XP Web MIDI http://www. m-audio. co. jp/download/index. html . exe Keystation Pro 88 MIDI MIDI MIDI Keystation Pro 88 Tested to comply with FCC standards FOR HOME OR STUDIO USE 1. Keystation Pro 88 / 4. Keystation Pro 88 Keystation USB 3. Web http://www. m-audio. co. jp/register/index. html Web 2. http://www. m-audio. M-Audio M-AUDIO Japan M-Audio M-AUDIO U. S. 5795 Martin Road, Irwindale, CA 91706-6211, U. S. A. 5795 Martin Road, Irwindale, CA 91706-6211, U. S. A. Sales Information: (626) 633-9050 Sales Information (email): info@m-audio. com Sales Information: 626-633-9050 (626) 633-9055 Sales Information (email): Tech Support: info@m-audio. com Tech Support (email): 626-633-9055 techsupt@m-audio. com Tech Support: Fax: Tech Support (email): techsupt@m-audio. com (626) 633-9060 Internet Home Page: 626-633-9060 http://www. m-audio. com Fax: http://www. m-audio. co. jp M-AUDIO Deutschland (Germany) Kuhallmand D-74613 Ohringen, M-AUDIO 34, Deutschland (Germany)Germany Kuhallmand 34, D-74613 Ohringen, Germany Sales Information: 49 7941 98 7000 Sales Information (email): info@m-audio. de Sales Information: 49-7941-98-7000 Technical 49 7941 98 70030 Sales Support: Information (email): info@m-audio. de Technical Support (email): support@m-audio. de Technical Support: 49-7941-98-70030 Fax: 07941 98 70070 Technical Support (email): support@m-audio. de Internet http://www. m-audio. de Fax: Home Page: 0-7941-98-70070 Internet Home Page: http://www. m-audio. com Internet Home Page: http://www. m-audio. de M-AUDIO U. K. Floor 6, Gresham House, 53 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1LA M-AUDIO U. K. [. . . ] Sales Information: (626) 633-9050 Sales Information (email): info@m-audio. com Sales Information: 626-633-9050 (626) 633-9055 Sales Information (email): Tech Support: info@m-audio. com Tech Support (email): 626-633-9055 techsupt@m-audio. com Tech Support: Fax: Tech Support (email): techsupt@m-audio. com (626) 633-9060 Internet Home Page: 626-633-9060 http://www. m-audio. com Fax: http://www. m-audio. co. jp M-AUDIO Deutschland (Germany) Kuhallmand D-74613 Ohringen, M-AUDIO 34, Deutschland (Germany)Germany Kuhallmand 34, D-74613 Ohringen, Germany Sales Information: 49 7941 98 7000 Sales Information (email): info@m-audio. de Sales Information: 49-7941-98-7000 Technical 49 7941 98 70030 Sales Support: Information (email): info@m-audio. de Technical Support (email): support@m-audio. de Technical Support: 49-7941-98-70030 Fax: 07941 98 70070 Technical Support (email): support@m-audio. de Internet http://www. m-audio. de Fax: Home Page: 0-7941-98-70070 Internet Home Page: http://www. m-audio. com Internet Home Page: http://www. m-audio. de M-AUDIO U. K. Floor 6, Gresham House, 53 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1LA M-AUDIO U. K. Tel: 01923 204010 • Fax: 01923 204039 Unit 5, Saracen Industrial Estate, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7BJ, England Sales Information (phone): 44 (0) 1442 416590 Sales Information (phone): 44 (0) 1442-416590 Sales Information (fax): 44 (0) 1442 246832 Sales Information (fax): 44 (0) 1442-246832 Sales Information (email): info@maudio. co. uk Sales Information (email): info@maudio. co. uk Technical Support (PC): 44 (0) 1309 671301 Technical Support (PC): 44 (0) 1309-671301 Technical Support (Mac): 44 (0) 1765 650072 Technical Support (Mac): 44 (0) 1765-650072 support@maudio. co. uk Technical Support (email): Technical Support (email): richard@maudio. freeserve. co. uk Internet Home Page: http://www. m-audio. com http://www. maudio. co. uk Internet Home Page: M-AUDIO Canada 1400 St-Jean Baptiste Ave. [. . . ]



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