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Mode d'emploi ROLAND ARX-01
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル ROLAND ARX-01


[. . . ] Owner’s Manual Owner’s Manual Before using this product, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p. These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the product. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new product, Owner’s Manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference. Copyright © 2008 ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. [. . . ] Frequency of modulation Depth of modulation Spatial spread of the sound Gain of the low frequency range Gain of the high frequency range Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the chorus sound (W) Output level Cutoff Freq Pre Delay Rate #1 Depth #2 Phase Low Gain High Gain Balance #3 Level 200–8000 Hz 0. 0–100. 0 ms 0. 05–10. 00 Hz, note 0–127 0–180 deg -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB D100:0W– D0:100W 0–127 46 21: STEREO FLANGER This is a stereo flanger. It produces a metallic resonance that rises and falls somewhat like a jet airplane taking off or landing. A filter is provided so that you can adjust the timbre of the flanged sound. fig. MFX21 Parameter Low Gain High Gain Balance #4 Level Balance D Value -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB D100:0W– D0:100W 0–127 Description Gain of the low frequency range Gain of the high frequency range Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the flanger sound (W) Output level L in Flanger 2-Band EQ Balance W L out Feedback Feedback Flanger R in Balance D Parameter Value Balance W 2-Band EQ R out Filter Type OFF, LPF, HPF Description Type of filter OFF: no filter is used LPF: cuts the frequency range above the Cutoff Freq HPF: cuts the frequency range below the Cutoff Freq Basic frequency of the filter Adjusts the time until the flanger sound is heard. Frequency of modulation Depth of modulation Spatial spread of the sound Adjusts the amount of the flanger sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative () settings invert the phase. Cutoff Freq Pre Delay Rate #1 Depth #2 Phase Feedback #3 200–8000 Hz 0. 0–100. 0 ms 0. 05-10. 00 Hz, note 0–127 0–180 deg -98– +98 % 47 22: STEP FLANGER This is a flanger in which the flanger pitch changes in steps. The speed at which the pitch changes can also be specified in terms of a note value based on a specified tempo. fig. MFX22 23: OVERDRIVE Creates a soft distortion similar to that produced by vacuum tube amplifiers. fig. MFX23 L in Over drive R in Parameter Drive #1 Tone #2 Pan #4 Amp Sw Value 0–127 0–127 L64–63R OFF, ON SMALL, BUILT-IN, 2-STACK, 3-STACK -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB 0–127 L out Amp Simulator 2-Band EQ Pan L Pan R Balance D L in Step Flanger 2-Band EQ Balance W L out R out Description Amount of distortion Also changes the volume. Sound Quality Stereo location of the OVERDRIVE output Amp simulator on/off Type of guitar amp SMALL: small amp BUILT-IN: single-unit type amp 2-STACK: large double-stack amp 3-STACK: large triple-stack amp Gain of the low frequency range Gain of the high frequency range Output level Feedback Feedback Step Flanger R in Balance D Parameter Pre Delay Rate #1 Depth Feedback #2 Step Rate #3 Phase Low Gain High Gain Balance #4 Level Value 0. 0–100. 0 ms 0. 05– 10. 00 Hz, note 0–127 -98– +98 % 0. 10– 20. 00 Hz, note 0–180 deg -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB D100:0W– D0:100W 0–127 Balance W 2-Band EQ R out Description Adjusts the time until the flanger sound is heard. Frequency of modulation Depth of modulation Adjusts the amount of the flanger sound that’s fed back into the effect. Rate (period) of pitch change Spatial spread of the sound Gain of the low frequency range Gain of the high frequency range Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the flanger sound (W) Output level Amp Type #3 Low Gain High Gain Level 24: DISTORTION Produces a more intense distortion than Overdrive. The parameters are the same as for “23: OVERDRIVE. ” fig. MFX24 L in Distortion R in Amp Simulator 2-Band EQ L out Pan L Pan R R out 48 25: GUITAR AMP SIM (Guitar Amp Simulator) This is an effect that simulates the sound of a guitar amplifier. fig. MFX25 Parameter Value L in Pre Amp R in Parameter Pre Amp Sw Value OFF, ON JC-120, Clean Twin, Match Drive, BG Lead, MS1959I, MS1959II, MS1959I+II, SLDN Lead, Metal 5150, Metal Lead, OD-1, OD-2 TURBO, Distortion, Fuzz 0–127 0–127 Low, Mid, High 0–127 0–127 (MATCH DRIVE: -127 - 0) L out Pan L Pre Amp Bright OFF, ON Speaker Pan R Speaker Sw Speaker Type #4 Description Turns the amp switch on/off. Mic Setting OFF, ON (See the table below. ) R out Description Turning this “On” produces a sharper and brighter sound. * This parameter applies to the “JC120, ” “Clean Twin, ” and “BG Lead” Pre Amp Types. Determines whether the signal passes through the speaker (ON), or not (OFF). Type of speaker Adjusts the location of the mic that’s capturing the sound of the speaker. This can be adjusted in three steps, from 1 to 3, with the mic becoming more distant as the value increases. Volume of the microphone Volume of the direct sound Stereo location of the output Output level 1, 2, 3 Pre Amp Type #1 Type of guitar amp Mic Level Direct Level Pan Level 0–127 0–127 L64–63R 0–127 Pre Amp Volume #2 Pre Amp Master #3 Pre Amp Gain Pre Amp Bass Pre Amp Middle Pre Amp Treble Pre Amp Presence Volume and amount of distortion of the amp Volume of the entire pre-amp Amount of pre-amp distortion Tone of the bass/mid/treble frequency range * Middle cannot be set if “Match Drive” is selected as the Pre Amp Type. Tone for the ultra-high frequency range 49 Specifications for each Speaker Type The speaker column indicates the diameter of each speaker unit (in inches) and the number of units. Type Small1 Small2 Middle JC-120 Built In 1 Built In 2 Built In 3 Built In 4 Built In 5 BG Stack 1 BG Stack 2 MS Stack1 MS Stack 2 Metal Stack 2 Stack 3 Stack Cabinet small open-back enclosure small open-back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure open back enclosure sealed enclosure large sealed enclosure large sealed enclosure large sealed enclosure large double stack large double stack large triple stack Speaker 10 10 12 x 1 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 2 12 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 4 Microphone dynamic dynamic dynamic dynamic dynamic condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser condenser 26: COMPRESSOR Flattens out high levels and boosts low levels, smoothing out fluctuations in volume. fig. MFX26 L in Compressor 2-Band EQ L out R in Compressor Value 0–127 0–127 0–18 dB -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB 0–127 2-Band EQ R out Parameter Attack #1 Threshold #2 Post Gain #3 Low Gain High Gain Level Description Sets the speed at which compression starts Adjusts the volume at which compression begins Adjusts the output gain. Gain of the low frequency range Gain of the high frequency range Output level 50 27: LIMITER Compresses signals that exceed a specified volume level, preventing distortion from occurring. fig. MFX27 28: SLICER By applying successive cuts to the sound, this effect turns a conventional sound into a sound that appears to be played as a backing phrase. This is especially effective when applied to sustain-type sounds. fig. MFX28 L in Limiter 2-Band EQ L out L in R in Parameter Release #1 Threshold #2 Ratio #3 Post Gain #4 Low Gain High Gain Level Slicer L out Limiter Value 0–127 0–127 1. 5:1, 2:1, 4:1, 100:1 0–18 dB -15– +15 dB -15– +15 dB 0–127 2-Band EQ R out R in Slicer Value 0. 05– 10. 00 Hz, note 0–127 R out Description Rate at which the 16-step sequence will cycle Speed at which the level changes between steps Specifies whether an input note will cause the sequence to resume from the first step of the sequence (ON) or not (OFF) Volume at which an input note will be detected Sets the manner in which the volume changes as one step progresses to the next. LEGATO: The change in volume from one step’s level to the next remains unaltered. If the level of a following step is the same as the one preceding it, there is no change in volume. SLASH: The level is momentarily set to 0 before progressing to the level of the next step. [. . . ] Kontor Norge Lilleakerveien 2 Postboks 95 Lilleaker N-0216 Oslo NORWAY TEL: 2273 0074 SAUDI ARABIA aDawliah Universal Electronics APL Behind Pizza Inn Prince Turkey Street aDawliah Building, PO BOX 2154, Alkhobar 31952 SAUDI ARABIA TEL: (03) 8643601 FINLAND Roland Scandinavia As, Filial Finland Elannontie 5 FIN-01510 Vantaa, FINLAND TEL: (0)9 68 24 020 ISRAEL Halilit P. Tel-Aviv-Yafo ISRAEL TEL: (03) 6823666 EUROPE AUSTRIA Roland Elektronische Musikinstrumente HmbH. Austrian Office Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 8, A-6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA TEL: (0512) 26 44 260 SWITZERLAND Roland (Switzerland) AG Landstrasse 5, Postfach, CH-4452 Itingen, SWITZERLAND TEL: (061) 927-8383 U. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938, U. [. . . ]

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