ユーザーズガイド SHARP PW-A8500

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Mode d'emploi SHARP PW-A8500
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル SHARP PW-A8500


[. . . ] Fill this form in. t t l b tn t f tb l b n f b l She is a very active person with a great zest for life. I felt nervous about meeting him. We lazed around by the pool all day. The paintwork was dirty and peeling off in places. She cares for her elderly mother. Traffic was held up for over two hours. I was all packed and ready to leave. [. . . ] She drives a fast car. A large dog appeared. I bought Mary a book. A runaway car came hurtling towards us. A group of swans floated by. I sold a car to Jim. I bought a book for Mary. His voice sounds hoarse. Elena became a doctor. Jill's behaviour annoyed me. I was annoyed by Jill's behaviour. She considered herself lucky. They elected him president. I sold Jim a car. I told her (that) I would be late. Jane asked, ‘Are you OK?’ I wonder what the new job will be like. Did you see which way they went? I asked him where the library was. He teaches his students how to research a subject thoroughly. I said he would come. Can you remind me that I need to buy some milk? The goldfish need to be fed. She never learned to read. She never stops talking!I started looking for a job two years ago. He was forced to hand over the keys. I expected her to pass her driving test first time. We'd love you to come and visit us. I hate him joking (=the fact that he jokes) about serious things. I hate his joking about serious things. Did you hear the phone ring just then?She watched him eat his lunch. [V speech] It's snowing, she said. [V (that)] She said that it was snowing. Jan turned down the chance to work abroad. Buying that new car has really eaten into my savings. I don't think I can put up with his behaviour much longer. Tom's coming to lunch, she told him. [VN inf] [VN-ing] [VN] [V wh-] I watched him eat. [. . . ] They changed the plans and messed around everyone. I didn't bargain on finding Matthew there as well. [+ speech ‘Help!’ he cried out. mess sb around The deal has been called off. I found the job difficult at first. But we were all in the same boat; we were all learning. They decided to bury the hatchet and try to be friends again. (If too many people are involved in something, it will not be well done. ) Well, I knew everything would go wrong - it's the usual story of too many cooks! [. . . ]

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