ユーザーズガイド EPSON SC-S50650 Â
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EPSON SC-S50650 Ã (5070 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Â (3931 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Â (316 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ļ (218 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ļ (226 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 ɇ (9392 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ļ (760 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ã (479 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ã (676 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ã (235 ko) EPSON SC-S50650 Ŋ (353 ko)
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル EPSON SC-S50650Â
[. . . ] 6 メディアの確認と設定変更 . . . . 47
自動巻取りユニットの使い方 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
メディアの取り付けと巻き取り . . . . 49 巻き取ったメディアの取り外し . . . . [. . . ] 110
エプソンのホームページの Q&A . . . . 110 ファームウェアのバージョンアップ . . . . 110 トラブルが解消されないときは . . . . 110
付録 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
消耗品とオプション . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 使用可能なメディア . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 移動と輸送 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
システム条件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 仕様一覧 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 サービス・サポートのご案内 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
各種サービス・サポートについて . . . . As used in this License: 1. 1 "Applicable Patent Rights" mean: (a) in the case where Apple is the grantor of rights, (i) claims of patents that are now or hereafter acquired, owned by or assigned to Apple and (ii) that cover subject matter contained in the Original Code, but only to the extent necessary to use, reproduce and/or distribute the Original Code without infringement; and (b) in the case where You are the grantor of rights, (i) claims of patents that are now or hereafter acquired, owned by or assigned to You and (ii) that cover subject matter in Your Modifications, taken alone or in combination with Original Code. 1. 2 "Contributor" means any person or entity that creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications. 1. 3 "Covered Code" means the Original Code, Modifications, the combination of Original Code and any Modifications, and/or any respective portions thereof. 1. 4 "Externally Deploy" means: (a) to sublicense, distribute or otherwise make Covered Code available, directly or indirectly, to anyone other than You; and/or (b) to use Covered Code, alone or as part of a Larger Work, in any way to provide a service, including but not limited to delivery of content, through electronic communication with a client other than You. 1. 5 "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered Code or portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. 1. 6 "Modifications" mean any addition to, deletion from, and/or change to, the substance and/or structure of the Original Code, of any previous Code Modifications, and any the combination Original previous
1. 7 "Original Code" means (a) the Source Code of a program or other work as originally made available by Apple under this License, including the Source Code of any updates or upgrades to such programs or works made available by Apple under this License, and that has been expressly identified by Apple as such in the header file(s) of such work; and (b) the object code compiled from such Source Code and originally made available by Apple under this License 1. 8 "Source Code" means the human readable form of a program or other work that is suitable for making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, scripts used to control compilation and installation of an executable (object code). 1. 9 "You" or "Your" means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this License. For legal entities, "You" or "Your" includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, You, where "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity. Permitted Uses; Conditions & Restrictions. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Apple hereby grants You, effective on the date You accept this License and download the Original Code, a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, to the extent of Apple's Applicable Patent Rights and copyrights covering the Original Code, to do the following: 2. 1 Unmodified Code. You may use, reproduce, display, perform, internally distribute within Your organization, and Externally Deploy verbatim, unmodified copies of the Original Code, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, provided that in each instance: (a) You must retain and reproduce in all copies of Original Code the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers of Apple as they appear in the Original Code, and keep intact all notices in the Original Code that refer to this License; and (b) You must include a copy of this License with every copy of Source Code of Covered Code and documentation You distribute or Externally Deploy, and You may not offer or impose any terms on such Source Code that alter or restrict this License or the recipients' rights hereunder, except as permitted under Section 6.
Modifications, and/or any respective portions thereof. [. . . ] You acknowledge that the Covered Code is not intended for use in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation, communication systems, or air traffic control machines in which case the failure of the Covered Code could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage.
12. 1 Termination. This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate: (a) automatically without notice from Apple if You fail to comply with any term(s) of this License and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of such breach; (b) immediately in the event of the circumstances described in Section 13. 5(b); or (c) automatically without notice from Apple if You, at any time during the term of this License, commence an action for patent infringement against Apple; provided that Apple did not first commence an action for patent infringement against You in that instance. Upon termination, You agree to immediately stop any further use, reproduction, modification, sublicensing and distribution of the Covered Code. All sublicenses to the Covered Code which have been properly granted prior to termination shall survive any termination of this License. [. . . ]
EPSON SC-S50650ダウンロード上のご注意
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