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   HITACHI L42-XP05 MANUAL 2 (32987 ko)

マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル HITACHI L42-XP05


[. . . ] * Q R 7 9 6 6 2 * L32-XP05, L37-XP05, L42-XP05 P42-XP05, P46-XP05, P50-XP05 TM B-CAS BS-Conditional Access Systems B-CAS BS-Conditional Access Systems LOCK ⿒ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ‫ࠬ࡯ࡘ࠾ޓޓ࡞ࡦࡖࠫޓ‬㧛ㅦႎ ߔߴߡߩ㨇ᤋ↹㨉 ᵗ↹ ㇌↹ ࠕ࠾ࡔ ߘߩઁ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫ޓ‬ሼፗߞ߲ߜߩࡐ࡯࡞  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠕࡃ࠲࡯ࡕࠛࠢࡏ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫੑࠠࡖࡦ࠺ࠖᎿ႐ߩ࠴ࡖ࡯࡞࠭  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠫࡖࠗࠤ࡞࡮ࡑࠢ࡝ࡦ+VKUC̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠛ࠶ࠣࠬࡔࡦ  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠻࡚࠙ࠠ࠙࡮ࡔ࠲࡞࡮ࠪ࠹ࠖΥ̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ৻ৼ⋡ߩᦺᣣ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ ࠫࡖࡦ࡞ ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼ ࡃ࡜ࠛ࠹ࠖ࡯ =ᣂⷙ ‫߅ޓ‬ᅢߺ?ࠕ࠾ࡔ ᤋ↹ ࠼࡜ࡑ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫ޓ‬ੑࡄࠗ࡟࡯࠷㨯ࠝࡉ㨯ࠬࡍ࡯ࠬ  ࿯㧕2/㧯㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ߅ߣߥࠅ߽࠻ࡠࡠ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼ਎♿⟤ዋᅚ ⿒ ೥㒰 ✛ ✬㓸 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࡍ࡯ࠫ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ߼ߊࠅ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ᬌ⚝᧦ઙ߇ㆬᛯߐࠇߡ޿߹ߖࠎ ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ 㖸ᭉ ⿰๧㧛ᢎ⢒ ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠲࡝࡯ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ ⿒ ✛ 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ‫࠼࡯ࡢ࡯ࠠޓ‬ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ ᤋ↹ ࠫࡖࡦ࡞ ࠼࡜ࡑ ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼ ࡃ࡜ࠛ࠹ࠖ࡯ ᅢ߈ߥ⧓⢻ ੱ ࠕ࠾ࡔ ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ =ᣂⷙ ‫߅ޓ‬ᅢߺ?㖸ᭉ ⿰๧㧛ᢎ⢒ ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠲࡝࡯ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ ⿒ ೥㒰 ✛ ✬㓸 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࡍ࡯ࠫ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ߼ߊࠅ ࠫࡖࡦ࡞ ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯ ࠼ ᣂ‫ޓ‬ᣂ⇟⚵ ⚳‫⚳ᦨޓ‬࿁ ሼ‫ޓ‬ሼ᐀᡼ㅍ ᚻ‫ޓ‬ᚻ⹤ㅢ⸶᡼ㅍ ੑ‫ޓ‬ੑࡩ࿖⺆᡼ㅍ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫̖ࠨࠬࡀࠫࡆ࡮࡞࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࡯࠲ࡦࠗ࠺ޓ‬  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠙ࠗ࡯ࠢࠛࡦ࠼࡮࠙ࠚࠩ࡯  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼႎ㆏㧞㧜㧝㧜࡮ࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦߩ̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫․ޓޓ‬㓸࡮ߘߩᤨᣣᧄߪേ޿ߚ‫ޓ‬ᚢᓟߩ̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼᦨㅦ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡮㧝㧤  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠙ࠗ࡯ࠢࠛࡦ࠼࡮࠙ࠚࠩ࡯  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫․ޓޓ‬㓸࡮ߘߩᤨᣣᧄߪേ޿ߚ‫ޓ‬ᚢᓟߩ̖  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫̖ࠨࠬࡀࠫࡆ࡮࡞࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࡯࠲ࡦࠗ࠺ޓ‬  ࿯㧕2/㧯㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼᦨㅦ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡮㧝㧤  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼႎ㆏㧞㧜㧝㧜࡮ࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦߩ̖ ᬌ⚝᧦ઙ߇ㆬᛯߐࠇߡ޿߹ߖࠎ =ᣂⷙࡑࠗࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼? ⿒ ೥㒰 ✛ ✬㓸 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࡍ࡯ࠫ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ߼ߊࠅ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ‫࠼࡯ࡢ࡯ࠠޓ‬ ᣂ‫ޓ‬ᣂ⇟⚵ ⚳‫⚳ᦨޓ‬࿁ ࠼ ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫̖ࠨࠬࡀࠫࡆ࡮࡞࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࡯࠲ࡦࠗ࠺ޓ‬  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠙ࠗ࡯ࠢࠛࡦ࠼࡮࠙ࠚࠩ࡯  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼႎ㆏㧞㧜㧝㧜࡮ࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦߩ̖ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ‫ࠬ࡯ࡘ࠾ޓޓ࡞ࡦࡖࠫޓ‬㧛ㅦႎ ߔߴߡߩ㨇ᤋ↹㨉 ᵗ↹ ㇌↹ ࠕ࠾ࡔ ߘߩઁ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫ޓ‬ሼፗߞ߲ߜߩࡐ࡯࡞  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠕࡃ࠲࡯ࡕࠛࠢࡏ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫੑࠠࡖࡦ࠺ࠖᎿ႐ߩ࠴ࡖ࡯࡞࠭  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠫࡖࠗࠤ࡞࡮ࡑࠢ࡝ࡦ+VKUC̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ੑࠛ࠶ࠣࠬࡔࡦ  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠻࡚࠙ࠠ࠙࡮ࡔ࠲࡞࡮ࠪ࠹ࠖΥ̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ৻ৼ⋡ߩᦺᣣ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫ޓ‬ੑࡄࠗ࡟࡯࠷㨯ࠝࡉ㨯ࠬࡍ࡯ࠬ  ࿯㧕2/㧯㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ߅ߣߥࠅ߽࠻ࡠࡠ  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼ਎♿⟤ዋᅚ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ ሼ‫ޓ‬ሼ᐀᡼ㅍ ᚻ‫ޓ‬ᚻ⹤ㅢ⸶᡼ㅍ ੑ‫ޓ‬ੑࡩ࿖⺆᡼ㅍ =ᣂⷙࡑࠗࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼?  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫․ޓޓ‬㓸࡮ߘߩᤨᣣᧄߪേ޿ߚ‫ޓ‬ᚢᓟߩ̖  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼᦨㅦ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡮㧝㧤  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼ࠙ࠗ࡯ࠢࠛࡦ࠼࡮࠙ࠚࠩ࡯  ࿯㧕2/㧮㧿‫․ޓޓ‬㓸࡮ߘߩᤨᣣᧄߪേ޿ߚ‫ޓ‬ᚢᓟߩ̖  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫ‫̖ࠨࠬࡀࠫࡆ࡮࡞࠽࡚ࠪ࠽࡯࠲ࡦࠗ࠺ޓ‬  ࿯㧕2/㧯㧿‫ޓޓ‬ሼᦨㅦ࠾ࡘ࡯ࠬ࡮㧝㧤  ࿯㧕2/࿾࠺ࠫሼႎ㆏㧞㧜㧝㧜࡮ࠕࡈࠟ࠾ࠬ࠲ࡦߩ̖ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ 㕍 ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ᬌ⚝▸࿐⸳ቯ ⿒ ೥㒰 ✛ ✬㓸 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࡍ࡯ࠫ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ߼ߊࠅ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ ⿒ ೥㒰 ✛ ✬㓸 㤛 ᢥሼߩᄢ߈ߐ ٌ ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ ٖ ᚯࠆ ᚯࠆ    㧴㧰㧰 5㩀㩈㨹㩎*&& ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞᡼ㅍ㧦 ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿‫ᤨޓޓޓޓ‬㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㧱‫ᤨޓޓޓ‬㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ᱷ㊂ 㩤㩄㨺㩊㩨㨺ߩ㍳↹㩝㨺㩎㩨ࠍㆬ߮߹ߔ ⸳ቯ‫ޓޓޓ‬ᚯࠆ 㧴㧰㧰 5㩀㩈㨹㩎*&& ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞᡼ㅍ㧦 ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿‫ᤨޓޓޓޓ‬㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㧱‫ᤨޓޓޓ‬㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ‫ޓޓ‬㨀㧿㨄ᤨ㑆ಽ ᱷ㊂ 㩤㩄㨺㩊㩨㨺ߩ㍳↹㩝㨺㩎㩨ࠍㆬ߮߹ߔ ⸳ቯ‫ޓޓޓ‬ᚯࠆ ㍳↹ᤨ㑆 㧔࡟ࠦ࡯࠳࡯㧝㧕 ‫ޓ‬㧢ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧟ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧞ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧝ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧟㧜ಽ ‫ੌ⚳⚵⇟ޓ‬ 㩤㩄㨺㩊㩨㨺  㧴㧰㧰65㧮㧿$5㍳↹ਛߩ⇟⚵߇⚳ੌߒߚࠄ ㍳↹⚻ㆊᤨ㑆㍳↹ࠍ⥄േ⊛ߦ஗ᱛߒ߹ߔ ‫ޓ‬ ‫ޓ‬2/⚳ੌ ‫ޓޓ‬ㆬᛯ‫ޓ‬᳿ቯ ‫ޓ‬ 㩤㩄㨺㩊㩨㨺  㩤㩄㨺㩊㩨㨺  㧴㧰㧰㨀㧿࿾਄࠺ࠫ㍳↹ਛߩ⇟⚵߇⚳ੌߒߚࠄ ㍳↹⚻ㆊᤨ㑆㍳↹ࠍ⥄േ⊛ߦ஗ᱛߒ߹ߔ 㧴㧰㧰65㧮㧿$5㍳↹ਛߩ⇟⚵߇⚳ੌߒߚࠄ ㍳↹⚻ㆊᤨ㑆㍳↹ࠍ⥄േ⊛ߦ஗ᱛߒ߹ߔ ㍳↹ᤨ㑆 㧔࡟ࠦ࡯࠳࡯㧝㧕 ‫ޓ‬㧢ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧟ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧞ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧝ᤨ㑆 ‫ޓ‬㧟㧜ಽ ‫ੌ⚳⚵⇟ޓ‬ ‫ޓ‬2/⚳ੌ ‫ޓޓ‬ㆬᛯ‫ޓ‬᳿ቯ ‫ޓ‬           ⿒   ㈩ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ ⿒ 1  ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ=ᣂⷙ߅ᅢߺ?ࠫࡖࡦ࡞⸳ቯ ᤋ↹ ࠼࡜ࡑ ࡃ࡜ࠛ࠹ࠖ࡯ ࠕ࠾ࡔ ࠬࡐ࡯࠷ 㖸ᭉ ⿰๧㧛ᢎ⢒ ࠼ࠠࡘࡔࡦ࠲࡝࡯ ᬌ⚝▸࿐ ࿾࠺ࠫ㧮㧿㧯㧿 ࠹࡟ࡆ‫ࠝࠫ࡜ޓ‬ ࠺࡯࠲᡼ㅍ㧣ᣣ㑆 ߔߴߡߩ㨇ᤋ↹㨉 ᵗ↹ ㇌↹ ࠕ࠾ࡔ ߘߩઁ =߅ᅢߺ㧝?ᬌ⚝ᣇᴺ㧦 ‫ࠍ߆ࠇߕ޿ޓޓޓ‬฽߻ ᬌ⚝᧦ઙ㧦  ‫⸳ޓޓޓ‬ቯߐࠇߡ޿߹ߖࠎ ⇟⚵ࠍߐ߇ߔ ࠫࡖࡦ࡞ ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼ ࡃ࡜ࠛ࠹ࠖ࡯ =ᣂⷙ ‫߅ޓ‬ᅢߺ? [. . . ] For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library. We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing nonfree programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. [. . . ] If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/ or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. [. . . ]

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