Lastmanualsはユーザー主導型のハードウエア及びソフトウエアのマニュアル(ユーザーガイド・マニュアル・クイックスタート・技術情報など)を共有・保存・検索サービスを提供します。 製品を購入する前に必ずユーザーガイドを読みましょう!!!
もしこの書類があなたがお探しの取扱説明書・マニュアル・機能説明・回路図の場合は、今すぐダウンロード。Lastmanualsでは手軽に早くHP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVEのユーザマニュアルを入手できます。 HP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVEのユーザーガイドがあなたのお役に立てばと思っています。
HP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVEのユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。
HP surestore dlt 80 tape drive annexe 1 (1367 ko) HP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVE (3329 ko) HP surestore dlt 80 tape drive annexe 1 (1329 ko)
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル HP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVE
[. . . ] 950 TUV EN60950/IEC 950 Class 1 LED Product (IEC 825-1) CISPR 22 Class A( ) FCC Class B certified( Ot )
dC K
CE Declaration of Conformity C-TICK (AS/NZS 3548) VCCI Class 2( Ot )
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HP SureStore DLT hCuA Ⱥ HP i̹p𨷷ߵܷB ̻i HP ̄X̄XʶIJܷB
HP p[cE io[
DLTtape IV J[gbW (1800 ft)(HP SureStore DLT 40/70 hCup ) DLTtape N[jOEJ[gbW
C5141F C5142A
HP p[cE io[
SCSI C^[tF[XEP[u (HP SureStore DLT 40e hCup ) 1m ̂ 50 sEb`ERlN^` 50 sExC ERlN^ (DLT 40e narrow SCSI RlN^ڵ Rs[^tKĢܷ ) LVD/SCSI C^[tF[XEP[u (HP SureStore DLT 70e/80e hCup ) 0. 9m ̂ 68 sElWERlN^` 68 sElWE RlN^ 1. 5m ̂ 68 sElWERlN^` 68 sElWE RlN^ HP SureStore DLT 40i : 50 s SCSI C^[tF[XE P[u HP SureStore DLT 40i : 68 s -50 sEA_v^ Dell [ELbg Dell 2100/2200 p Dell 2300/4100/6100 p Dell 4300//6300 p C5731A C5732A Dell 86194 C5687A C5726A C5644-61000 C5710A K2286
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t^AHewlett-Packard T[rXET|[ģAA HP JX^}ET|[gA@ྵܷB
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̻iA3 N Express Exchange تtĢܷB3 N A w꽻i 30 HP ɲo^B o^ȢA 1 NܷB Web oR (http://www. hp. com/go/tapereg) Ųo^A ito^J[hgpūܷB A qlε@IŷB n A̠ꇪܷB Hewlett-Packard HP SureStore DLT hCuA[A൭w ɾCXg[ĢACXg[ A1 Nܽ 3 N ( hCuo^L )A ܽͻN¢سĢܷB ɇתF꽻iA̻fCܷܽBЪ ÖɻiCܽūȢAip AwߵܷB HP SureStore DLT e[vEhCuAȺNKp ܹB qlܽs\ qlpӵ\tgEFAܽC^[tF[X ³ĢȢAܽgp i«dlÒ T|[gȢfBAgp uss Express Exchange pȢA HP SureStore DLT hCu HP cƊẘZԗA HP {ɗԷ @ܷB
1. Express Exchange ̑ŲpܷB_ Express Exchange T|[ gĢȢA[EGhET|[gEvOܽͻnp[cEZ^ ʶT|[gĢܷB2 N 3 NAi̲o^ŷB B-2
JX^}ET|[g Hewlett-Packard 2000 N
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HP {itؑKĢѧ ëAHP A{iA̼Si ( n[hEFAA\tgEF AA t@[EFA ) Kf[^ HP ig݇ AHP i}jAipb`AbvO[hCXg[ ַྑj]gpA20 I 21 IA 1999 N 2000 NA[NlAtf[ ^ivZArAުȭjmɈū طƵܷB2000 Nַ{L 2001 N 1 31 ŷB
Hewlett-Packard FfB[[Aw HP iT|[g ܷB T[rXܽT|[gˊO hCuCXg[Ģ`FbNĭB }jARs[^bNEVXeAzXgA_v ^AobNAbvE\tgEFAguV[eBOAhoC XĭB Web TCg (http://www. hp. com/support/dlt) T|[g y[WĭB
eNjJET|[gKvĀXɲAB̄X HP iT[rXVĨAHP ĪX T[rXEj[̺T|[gƪūܷBfB[[ T|[gȢAICET[rXܽdb T|[gƪūܷB
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HP ͨqlj[YɇT[rX_pӵĨܷB ASfB[[ܽͨ߭ HP cƊŨ⢇B
HP SureStore e[vEhCup@
HP SureStore e[vEhCuA3 N 24 ̧ Express Exchange ¢ĢܷBhCupALXgųdb ԆAdbB̞AȺe究mF ĨĭB iVAԆ ( \ ) w i SҼ AdbԆ i̗Z etHET[rXEG[WFgimFAֻim ɨͭzܷB iA pb P[WoA̫pipĭB hCupAsKȫ華Ŷͨq lCܷB\A̫pB
HP AqlbANZXūAiZbgAbv« ACXg[рַ蕯dqT[rX ĢܷBICET[rX WWW FTPAܽ{ZN VLڳĢđp\RMT[rXoRƪ ܷBT[rXͷđŷA{ ܷBܽApŷB{T[rX¢ B-9 y[WB 1. 24 ̧ Express Exchange ApȢܷ (B-2 y[WQ )B 2 N 3 NAhCu HP o^꽨qlSܷB B-4
JX^}ET|[g JX^}ET|[g
World Wide Web FTP
HP World Wide Web TCg DLT hCuT|[gūܷB
http://www. hp. com/support/dlt
\tgEFAEhCoAiAT|[g¢AHP World Wide Web TCg FTP TCgūܷB
World Wide Web: http://www. hp. com/go/tape FTP: ftp. hp. com/pub/information_storage/surestore
\tgEFAAt@[EFAAT|[g_E[hūܷB A[UEtH[cūܷB Address: Go HPSYS
HP SureStore eNjJET|[gdq[EAhX :
SureStore_Support@hp. com
A48 ɁbZ[WMܷB
X̨⢇ : HP SureStore Technical Support 815 14th Street SW, Bldg. [. . . ] ( I[NhW ) dbԆ : (09) 356 6640
t@bNX̨⢇ : A@AHP iAѨRs[^Lĭ B t@bNXԆ : +65 274 2033 ( VK|[ ) dbT|[g : dbԆ : +65 (02) 867-3551
JX^}ET|[g JX^}ET|[g
X̨⢇ : Hewlett-Packard Far East (Pte) Ltd. 438 Alexandra Road #07-01/04 Alexandra Point Singapore 119958 HP First Faxback Service: viܽeNjJET|[gEhLg t@bNXMAVXeŷB24 ԲpܷB dbԆ : +65 291-7951 t@bNX̨⢇ : 48 ܷB t@bNXԆ : +65 274-2033 dbT|[g : t : j`jA9:00 a. m. dbԆ : +65 272-5300
F ( د )
X̨⢇ : Hewlett Packard Customer Support Center 8F, 337, Fu-Hsing North Road, Taipei 104, Taiwan, R. O. C. f : \tgEFAAt@[EFAAT|[g_E[hūܷBe NjJET|[ǵbZ[WcūܷB dbԆ : (02) 923-3233 OC :First name: HP Last name: BBS HP First Faxback Service: viܽeNjJET|[gEhLg t@bNXMAVXeŷB24 ԲpܷB dbԆ : (02) 719-5589 t@bNX̨⢇ : 48 ܷB t@bNXԆ : (02) 514-0276
JX^}ET|[g JX^}ET|[g
dbT|[g : t : j`jA8:30 a. m. dbԆ : (02) 717-9609
t@bNX̨⢇ : A@AHP iAѨRs[^Lĭ B t@bNXԆ : +65 274-2033 ( VK|[ ) dbT|[g : dbԆ : +66 (02) 661-4011
t@bNX̨⢇ : A@AHP iAѨRs[^Lĭ B t@bNXԆ : +65 274-2033 ( VK|[ ) dbT|[g : dbԆ : +84 (08) 823-4530
JX^}ET|[g JX^}ET|[g
2000 N B-3
BOT( e[v ) 5-2 CompacTape 4-4 EMC ؾ Q Express Exchange( GNXvXE GNX`FW ) B-2, B-4 Hewlett-Packard Information Service 6-1 HP A@ B-5 HVD 2-9
^[~l[V OthCu 2-8 hCu 1-7 SE 2-8
C^[lbgAhX 6-1, B-5 C^[tF[Xdl A-3
TapeAssure 1-13, 2-10, 6-2 CXg[ 1-5, 2-6 CXg[mF 1-13 `FbN 1-5, 1-13, 2-6 I 1-13
A} 4-6
Ultra2 foCXptH[}X ( \ ) 2-9 URL B-5
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s A-2 I[_ A-5 I / ItXCb` 3-8 x J[gbW̲ 4-9 J[gbW 4-10 x A-3 x A-3 ϻ 4-10 ICET[rX B-4 ~AJ[gbW 4-4 ~Cg 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 4-5 _ŷ 6-4 mFACXg[ 1-13, 2-10 JX^}ET|[g B-3 dbԆ B-5 J[gbW 4-6 4-5 J[gbW ue[vEJ[gb J[gbWEbNEnh 3-9, 3-10, 4-6 «dl A-3
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OthCu 2-5 hCu 1-5
FTP TCg B-5 A_v^ASCSI A-5 k \tgEFA̳k 5-4 5-2 kCg 3-2, 3-4, 3-6 SF Q Sdl A-4 賹 uvQ A[hAJ[gbW 3-11 A[h A-2 A[hE{^ 3-3, 3-5, 3-7
LED CgQ LVD 2-8 LVD zXgEoXEA_v^ 2-3, A-3
SCSI A_v^ A-5 ID OthCu 2-5 hCu 1-5 ID `FbN 2-6 ANZTI[_ A-5 P[u OthCu 2-3, 2-8 hCu 1-11 RlN^ OthCu 2-5 hCu 1-11 dl A-3
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\ Q
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dC鹝 1-8 uAhCu 2-4 uIAhCu 2-4 ZteXg 3-8, 3-12 s 6-2 I 5-5 I{^ 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 5-5
pl 2-5, 3-8 R[q[ 2-4 T[rX_ B-4 T|[g B-3 dbԆ B-5
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hCu SCSI ID Wp 1-6 SCSI ڱ 1-11 CXg[ 2 ^[~l[VEWp 1-7 dP[u 1-11 mCYAhCu 4-8 mCYEx A-3
XCb`ItɷA hCu 3-9 XCb`IɷA hCu 3-8
A-2 nhEbNCg 3-3, 3-5, 3-7, 3-10 obNAbvE\tgEFA 1-14, 2-4, 2-11 pbP[W B-4 ptH[}X ( \ ) dl A-2 peBE`FbN fBZ[u 1-6 p[IEZteXg 3-12
xI{^ 5-5
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eiX 5 6 AAJ[gbW 4-10
x A-3 Wx A-3 r[v 3-5, 3-7
ӽAe[vEJ[gbW 4-7 tgEpl HP SureStore DLT 40 3-6 HP SureStore DLT 70 3-4 HP SureStore DLT 80 3-2 Idl A-2
ϻ 4-10 pAhCu B-4 @K Q AJ[gbW 4-10 ٱȢ 2-4 1-4, 2-11, B-2 2000 N B-3 zXgERs[^ hCuFȢ 6-3 {^ 5-5 A[hE{^ 3-5, 3-7 I{^ 3-2, 3-4, 3-6 xI 5-5 A[hE{^ 3-3
Cg HP SureStore DLT 40 3-6 HP SureStore DLT 70 3-4 HP SureStore DLT 80 3-2 kCg 3-2, 3-4, 3-6 ~ 4-5 N[jOEe[vv 4-3 N[jOEe[vv Cg 4-2 Ī_ŷ 3-13, 6-2 e[vgpCg 3-3, 3-5, 3-10 nhbNCg 3-5, 3-7, 3-10 _Ȣ 3-13, 6-2 x֦Cg 5-5 xAJ[gbW 4-8
[_[Ae[vE J[gbW 4-7 ȭ[_[̟o 4-8 O 4-6 [Enu 4-7 Ch A-2 [UEv^磷 2-4 [t 1-9
x X 5-2 xCg 3-2 Cg 3-4, 3-6 x֦Cg 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 5-5
Regulatory Information
Declaration of Conformity (according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014)
Manufacturer: Address: Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Peripherals Bristol Filton Road Stoke Gifford Bristol BS34 8QZ United Kingdom
TUV (internal tape drives only)
This equipment must be supplied by a Safety-Extra-LowVoltage (secondary circuit in accordance with DIN VDE 0805. During incorporation of the equipment, all requirements of DIN VDE 0805 must be observed and obeyed.
Diese Information steht im Zusammenhang mit den Anforderungender Maschinen information verordnung vom 18 Januar 1991. Schalldruckpegel Lp <70 dB(A) am arbeitsplatz normaler betrieb nach ISO 7779: EN 27779 (Typprufung)
declares that the following products Product Names: HP SureStore DLT 40e/i HP SureStore DLT 70e/i HP SureStore DLT 80e/i conform to the following product specifications Safety: IEC 950:1991+A1, A2 EN 60950 (1992)+A1, A2 EMC: HP SureStore DLT 40i, DLT 70i: CISPR 22:1993/EN 55022 (1994): Class A HP SureStore DLT 40e, DLT 70e: CISPR 22:1993/EN 55022 (1994): Class B All drives: EN50082-1:1992 IEC 801-2:1991/prEN 55024-2 (1992): 4kV CD, 8kV AD IEC 801-3:1984/prEN 55024-3 (1991): 3V/m IEC 801-4:1988/prEN 55024-4 (1992): 0. 5 kV signal lines, 1. 0kV power lines
[This statement is provided to comply with the requirements of the German Sound Emission Directive, from 18 January 1991. Sound pressure Lp <70 dB(A) at operator position normal operation according to ISO 7779: EN 27779 (type test)]
General Approval NS/G/1234/J/100003
This Hewlett-Packard tape drive meets the General Approval NS/G/1234/J/100003 requirements.
HP SureStore DLT 40i, DLT 70i, DLT 80i:
LED Emission Level
HP SureStore DLT 40e, DLT 70e, DLT 80e: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 1 LED product, set out in the international standard for safety of laser products.
HP SureStore DLT 40i, DLT 70i, DLT 80i:
HP SureStore DLT 40e, DLT 70e, DLT 80e:
U. S. A.
Radio Frequency Interference Statement (Federal Communications Commission) HP SureStore DLT 40i, DLT 70i, DLT 80i:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
All drives:
Note that if you change or modify the equipment in a way that is not expressly approved by Hewlett-Packard, any assurances of safety or performance can no longer be held to apply, and could result in violation of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. [. . . ] HP SureStore DLT 40e, DLT 70e, DLT 80e: This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le prsent appareil numrique n'met pas de bruits radiolectriques dpassant les limites applicables aux appareils numriques de Classe B prescrites dans le rglement sur le brouillage radiolectrique dict par le Ministre des Communications du Canada.
Canadian Standards Association Information Statement (internal tape drives only)
INSTRUCTION TO USER: WARNING: This component is only considered to be approved when installed in CSA certified equipment evaluated to the standards C22. 2 No. The operator accessibility into the end use enclosure is defined with strict accordance in the operators manual for the installation of components into the equipment. [. . . ]
規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればHP SURESTORE DLT 80 TAPE DRIVEのマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。