ユーザーズガイド KYOSHO LAZER ZX-5

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Mode d'emploi KYOSHO LAZER ZX-5



マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル KYOSHO LAZER ZX-5


[. . . ] Netscape Navigator Adobe Systems Incorporated Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mac © 1995-2001 The Apache Group. [. . . ] 19 20 19 24 Web Mac OS X Server 26 26 27 Web QuickTime 28 28 30 30 Server Admin 31 27 28 28 25 26 3 Macintosh 34 Streaming Server Admin 34 NetBoot Desktop Admin 35 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 40 40 40 Mac OS X Server 2 41 ?41 41 41 42 45 NetInfo NetInfo NetInfo LDAP LDAP LDAP 51 52 55 55 51 51 46 46 50 3 57 ?57 4 57 58 59 59 59 1 2 3 59 60 60 60 61 62 65 65 68 70 70 70 Mac OS X Server 71 72 4 73 ?73 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 1 2 3 77 77 77 78 78 80 5 NFS 81 82 5 83 ?83 83 83 84 84 Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows NFS Network File System NFS NFS NFS NFS NFS FTP File Transfer Protocol FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP FTP 109 106 108 105 106 104 104 101 101 102 104 99 100 100 100 95 99 93 93 94 92 86 91 85 85 85 6 109 6 111 ?111 111 112 113 113 113 114 1 2 3 4 5 Windows 6 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 116 117 118 7 Web Web Web Web Web Web WebDAV Web 1 2 3 Web 4 Web 121 ?260 32688 allow log ip from any to any via lo* 0 0 deny log ip from 127. 0. 0. 0/8 to any in 0 0 deny log ip from any to 127. 0. 0. 0/8 in 0 0 deny log ip from 224. 0. 0. 0/3 to any in 0 0 deny log tcp from any to 224. 0. 0. 0/3 in 1 52 allow log tcp from 111. 222. 33. 3 to 111. 222. 31. 3 660 in ipfw add 200 TCP IP IP 10. 123. 123. 123 17. 123. 123. 123 80 ipfw add 200 deny tcp from 10. 123. 123. 123 to 17. 123. 123. 123 80 ipfw delete ipfw delete 200 200 ipfw man 307 TCP/IP TCP/IP m TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols W. Richard Stevens Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series TCP/IP 1994 2 Craig Hunt O’Reilly and Associates Web RFC 1918 m TCP/IP Network Administration 1997 www. faqs. org/rfcs Server Admin NetInfo XML NetInfo XML XML NetInfo NetInfo Server Admin XML 3 m 1 uglist user group 2 Jane Doe 4 40 2 Jane m Bob 41 42 Bob Smith m Primary Smith Jane Doe 2 308 Imported Group Bob 43 49 50 48 A <!XML version="1. 0" <!DOCTYPE MacOSXServer100 [ <!ELEMENT uglist ( user | group ) > <!ELEMENT user ( nameList?pluginDataList ) > <!Imported Group user comment CDATA #IMPLIED uid CDATA #IMPLIED gid CDATA #IMPLIED shell CDATA #IMPLIED logEnabled ( canLogin | noLogin ) "canLogin" isAdminUser ( isAdmin | notAdmin ) "notAdmin" > <!ELEMENT nameList name > <!ELEMENT name EMPTY > <!Imported Group name text CDATA > <!ELEMENT pass EMPTY <!Imported Group pass format ( crypt| clearText | secure) "clearText" text CDATA > <!ELEMENT pluginDataList pluginData > <!ELEMENT pluginData EMPTY > <!Imported Group pluginData signature CDATA #REQUIRED data CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT group memberName > <!Imported Group group name CDATA #REQUIRED gid CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT memberName EMPTY > <!Imported Group memberName name CDATA #REQUIRED > ]> <--1 <--2 309 <uglist> <user logEnabled = "canLogin" isAdminUser = "notAdmin" uid = "1200" gid = "0" shell = "/bin/tcsh"> < namelist > < name text = "bsmith" /> < name text = "Bob Smith" /> < /namelist > < pass format = "clearText" text = "password" /> <pluginDataList> <pluginData signature = "Mail" data = "<dict> <key>kAttributeVersion</key> <string>AppleMail 1. 0</string> <key>kMailAccountState</key> <string>Enabled</string> <key>kIMAPLoginState</key> <string>IMAPAllowed</string> <key>kPOP3LoginState</key> <string>POP3Allowed</string> <key>kMailAccountLocation</key> <string>domain. example. com</string> <key>kAutoForwardValue</key> <string>user@example. com</string> <key>kNotificationState</key> <string>NotificationStaticIP</string> <key>kNotificationStaticIPValue</key> <string>[1. 2. 3. 4]</string> <key>kSeparateInboxState</key> <string>OneInbox</string> <--3 <--4 <--5 <--6 <--7 <--8 <--9 <--10 <--11 <--12 <--13 <--14 <--15 <--16 <--17 <--18 <--19 <--20 <--21 <--22 <--23 <--24 <--25 <--26 <--27 <--28 <--29 <--30 <--31 <--32 <--33 <--34 <--35 310 A <key>kShowPOP3InboxInIMAP</key> <string>HidePOP3Inbox</string> </dict>"> </pluginDataList> </user> <user loginEnabled = "canLogin" isAdminUser = "notAdmin" uid = "1201" gid = "10" shell = "None"> <namelist> <name = "jdoe" /> <text = "Jane Doe" /> </namelist> <pass format = "clearText" text = "password2" /> </user> <group name = "Imported Group" gid = "2000" > <memberName name = "bsmithî /> <memberName name = "jdoe" /> </group> <group name = "Primary" gid = "10" > <memberName name = "bsmith" /> <memberName name = "jdoe" /> </group> </uglist> <--36 <--37 <--38 <--39 <--40 <--41 <--42 <--43 <--44 <--45 <--46 <--47 <--48 <--49 <--50 <--51 311 Server Admin 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 2 5 canLogin 6 noLogin 6 isAdmin notAdmin ID ID ID 7 8 7 8 ID 14 20 9 9 None 10 11 10 13 13 12 15 14 15 12 a 16 b Mac OS X Server 19 2 21 Off Forward Enabled 20 312 A c IMAP Message Access Protocol 22 IMAP IMAPAllowed IMAP 2 23 IMAPDeny 2 24 25 Internet d POP3 Protocol POP3 POP3Allowed POP3 Post Office POP3Deny 2 26 e 27 IP f Forward 2 29 28 RFC 822 2 30 31 NotificationOff NotificationLastIP NotificationStaticIP g IP IP h 2 33 i NotificationStaticIP 32 IP 2 IMAP 35 DualInbox OneInbox POP3 34 j IMAP POP3 IMAP 37 2 36 ShowPOP3Inbox POP Inbox HidePOP3Inbox k 38 13 14 15 40 4 12 43 44 313 16 17 45 46 47 17 48 14 51 xml Server Admin 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 XML XML m m m m XML The XML Pocket Reference Robert Eckstein Presenting XML Richard Light Learning XML Erik Ray O’Reilly O’ Reilly Web 1999 1997 2000 1998 11 Sams. Net Publishing Prentice Hall PTR Christopher Maoen The XML Handbook Charles F. Goforth www. oasis-open. org/cover/bib-strt. html LDAP LDAP m m AFP Directory Setup LDAP Directory Setup Mac OS X Server LDAP LDAP Mac OS X Server 314 A Mac OS X Server LDAP OS X AFP SMB FTP HTTP NFS WebDAV POP IMAP Macintosh Server Admin Mac RecordName RealName Password LDAP LDAP LDAP BIND UniqueID PrimaryGroupID m m m m m m m FTP Web Apple NFS Macintosh Mac OS X HomeDirectory MailAttribute EMailAddress 315 Directory Setup LDAP Users 1 LDAP 1 LDAP LDAP LDAP RecordName ASCII Dave David Mac DMacSmith RecordName RealName RealName 1 UniqueID ASCII David L. MacSmith, Jr. 0 9 32 ASCII 100 100 0 4, 294, 967, 295 Password UNIX crypt PrimaryGroupID 0 9 32 ASCII 0 4, 294, 967, 295 Comment ASCII John is in charge of product marketing. UserShell: /bin/tcsh /bin/sh None 316 A LDAP MailAttribute Mac OS X <dict> <key>kAttributeVersion</key> <string>Apple Mail 1. 0</string> <key>kAutoForwardValue</key> <string>user@example. com</string> <key>kIMAPLoginState</key> <string>IMAPAllowed</string> <key>kMailAccountLocation</key> <string>domain. example. com</string> <key>kMailAccountState</key> <string>Enabled</string> <key>kNotificationState</key> <string>NotificationStaticIP</string> <key>kNotificationStaticIPValue</key> <string>[1. 2. 3. 4]</string> <key>kPOP3LoginState</key> <string>POP3Allowed</string> <key>kSeparateInboxState</key> <string>OneInbox</string> <key>kShowPOP3InboxInIMAP</key> <string>HidePOP3Inbox</string> </dict> user@example. com mailto:user@example. com EMailAddress MailAttribute RFC 822 mailto: URL HomeDirectory AFP Mac OS X <homeDir> <url>afp://server/sharepoint</url> <path>usershomedirectory</path> </homeDir> Tom King K-M/Tom King Users <homeDir> <url>afp://example. com/Users</url> <path>K-M/Tom King</path> </homeDir> 317 LDAP MailAttribute MailAttribute MailAccountState Off MailAttribute LDAP AttributeVersion 1. 0 AppleMail <key>kAttributeVersion</key> <string>AppleMail 1. 0</string> MailAccountState <key>kMailAccountState</key> <string>Enabled</string> Off Enabled Forward POP3LoginState POP <key>kPOP3LoginState</key> <string>POP3Deny</string> POP3Allowed POP3Deny IMAPLoginState IMAP <key>kIMAPLoginState</key> <string>IMAPAllowed</string> IMAPAllowed IMAPDeny MailAccountLocation Mac OS X Server IP <key>kMailAccountLocation</key> <string>domain. example. com </string> 318 A MailAttribute LDAP AutoForwardValue MailAccountState Forward RFC 822 <key>kAutoForwardValue</key> <string>user@example. com</string> NotificationState <key>kNotificationState</key> <string>NotificationOff</string> NotificationOff NotificationLastIP NotificationStaticIP NotificationOff NotificationStaticIPValue IP <key>kNotificationStaticIPValue </key> 10 <string>[1. 2. 3. 4]</string> [xxx. xxx. xxx. xxx] NotificationState NotificationLastIP NotificationState NotificationStaticIP 319 MailAttribute LDAP SeparateInboxState POP IMAP <key>kSeparateInboxState</key> <string>OneInbox</string> OneInbox DualInbox OneInbox ShowPOP3InboxInIMAP POP IMAP <key>kShowPOP3InboxInIMAP</key> <string>HidePOP3Inbox</string> ShowPOP3Inbox HidePOP3Inbox ShowPOP3Inbox 320 A LDAP NSL Network Service Locator Mac OS X Web Web LDAP Directory Setup LDAP AFPServer WebServer LDAP Finder 1 Printers 2 1 LDAP LDAP RecordName ASCII Mrs. Jones’ classroom URLForNSL URL afp://afp. example. org/ https://securesite. example. org 321 LDAP LDAP Setup LDAP Directory LDAP RecordName EMailAddress UniqueID RealName MailAttribute Comment Group Password PrimaryGroupID HomeDirectory URLForNSL GroupMembership RecordAlias UserShell cn sn dn mail email unixid realname applemail comment grouplist passwd groupid home homeloc networklocurl userlist aliasdata shell Group GroupMembership 322 A LDAP LDAP LDAP LDAP LDAP RecordName UniqueID RealName MailAttribute shortname userid realname applemail bsmith 1200 Bob Smith <dict> <key>kAttributeVersion</key> <string>Apple Mail 1. 0</string> <key>kAutoForwardValue</key> <string>user@example. com</string> <key>kIMAPLoginState</key> <string>IMAPAllowed</string> <key>kMailAccountLocation</key> <string>domain. example. com</string> <key>kMailAccountState</key> <string>Enabled</string> <key>kNotificationState</key> <string>NotificationStaticIP</string> <key>kNotificationStaticIPValue</key> <string>[1. 2. 3. 4]</string> <key>kPOP3LoginState</key> <string>POP3Allowed</string> <key>kSeparateInboxState</key> <string>OneInbox</string> <key>kShowPOP3InboxInIMAP</key> <string>HidePOP3Inbox</string> </dict> Bob is a good resource for network administration. [. . . ] Jones’ classroom URLForNSL URL afp://afp. example. org/ https://securesite. example. org 321 LDAP LDAP Setup LDAP Directory LDAP RecordName EMailAddress UniqueID RealName MailAttribute Comment Group Password PrimaryGroupID HomeDirectory URLForNSL GroupMembership RecordAlias UserShell cn sn dn mail email unixid realname applemail comment grouplist passwd groupid home homeloc networklocurl userlist aliasdata shell Group GroupMembership 322 A LDAP LDAP LDAP LDAP LDAP RecordName UniqueID RealName MailAttribute shortname userid realname applemail bsmith 1200 Bob Smith <dict> <key>kAttributeVersion</key> <string>Apple Mail 1. 0</string> <key>kAutoForwardValue</key> <string>user@example. com</string> <key>kIMAPLoginState</key> <string>IMAPAllowed</string> <key>kMailAccountLocation</key> <string>domain. example. com</string> <key>kMailAccountState</key> <string>Enabled</string> <key>kNotificationState</key> <string>NotificationStaticIP</string> <key>kNotificationStaticIPValue</key> <string>[1. 2. 3. 4]</string> <key>kPOP3LoginState</key> <string>POP3Allowed</string> <key>kSeparateInboxState</key> <string>OneInbox</string> <key>kShowPOP3InboxInIMAP</key> <string>HidePOP3Inbox</string> </dict> Bob is a good resource for network administration. Mac OS X Server LDAP BIND UNIX Comment Password comment passwd PrimaryGroupID primarygroupid 10 323 LDAP LDAP HomeDirectory homedir Smith Users R-S/Bob <homeDir> <url>afp://example. com/Users</url> <path>R-S/Bob Smith</path> </homeDir> UserShell loginshell /bin/sh LDAP LDAP LDAP RecordName UniqueID GroupMembership gn groupid groupmemberlist Primary 10 bsmith, jdoe LDAP Server Admin NetInfo 1 LDAP a LDAP b LDAP LDAP LDAP Applications/Utilities Mac OS X Server 2 Mac OS X Server a b c d Directory Setup LDAPv2 324 A 3 LDAP a b c LDAP LDAP LDAP IP 4 a b Users ou= o= Groups ou= 1 o= LDAP LDAP 1 c 5 a Mac OS X Server LDAP LDAP 315 b RecordName cn sn LDAP c LDAP dn 1 ID UniqueID unixid ID LDAP LDAP LDAP LDAP RealName realname d e LDAP LDAP EMailAddress mail email f LDAP MailAttribute applemail LDAP LDAP UNIX LDAP LDAP passwd 325 g ID LDAP ID LDAP PrimaryGroupID groupid h LDAP homeloc i HomeDirectory home LDAP UserShell LDAP LDAP None 6 a shell Mac OS X Server LDAP RecordName LDAP b 1 c ID UniqueID ID LDAP GroupMembership userlist LDAP d LDAP 7 Mac OS X Server a b LDAP LDAP LDAP cn=admin cn=users dc=example dc=com LDAP Mac OS X Server c 120 d LDAP 120 326 A e f g 389 OK LDAP LDAP h 8 LDAPv2 LDAP NetInfo LDAP LDAP NetInfo NetInfo 1 Mac OS X Server a NetInfo 1 NetInfo LDAP LDAP NetInfo LDAP b NetInfo LDAP LDAP Server Admin LDAP U&G U&G 327 m ID ID ID ID Admin Server m NetInfo Windows NetInfo NetInfo /var/db/netinfo/ Authentication Manager /var/db/netinfo/ MyDomain NetInfo . MyDomain. tim m /Library/AppleMailServer/MacOSXMailDB m Directory Setup /Library/Preferences/DirectoryService/ 328 A B B Mac OS X Server CD Mac OS X Server Mac OS X Server 329 Mac OS X Server Mac OS X Server Ethernet ISP CD 99 8 caps lock . [. . . ]

KYOSHO LAZER ZX-5ダウンロード上のご注意


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