ユーザーズガイド PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100

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もしこの書類があなたがお探しの取扱説明書・マニュアル・機能説明・回路図の場合は、今すぐダウンロード。Lastmanualsでは手軽に早くPANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100のユーザマニュアルを入手できます。 PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100のユーザーガイドがあなたのお役に立てばと思っています。

PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100のユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100


[. . . ] @ #1 2 $1 % K RF-ND277R ¥ % ≥≥≥≥ 2 $ $ “ 1 2 % 1 2 RF-ND277R ≥≥≥≥ ¥ % “ 1 2 1 2 3 % ¥ % % ≥≥≥≥ !@ #1 2 1 $ 2 %1 % 2 % 2 % @ $ 1 !@ # 1 2 $ 1 % 2 3 “ 2 % ^ % $ ^ % 4 2 % 4 3 1 2 3 ≥≥≥≥ ! $ 10 + 3 9 10 + ! @$ “ 1 2 # @ ! [. . . ] @ # 1 2 $ 1 % 2 3 “ 2 % ^ % $ ^ % 4 2 % 4 3 1 2 3 ≥≥≥≥ ! $ 10 + 3 9 10 + ! @$ “ 1 2 # @ !@1 2 #1 % # RF-ND277R RF-ND277R 2 $1 ¥ $ % 2 % 1 2 @ “ # # % 1 2 % “ ! 1 2 % @1 2 #1 RF-ND277R 2 $1 2 ¥ % $ 2 % ! “ 0120-878-365 06-6907-1187 0570-087-087 0120-878-236 Help desk for foreign residents in Japan Tokyo (03) 3256 - 5444 Osaka (06) 6645 - 8787 Open : 9:00 - 17:30 (closed on Saturdays /Sundays / national holidays) (011)894-1251 (0155)33-8477 (0138)48-6631 (077)582-5021 (06)6359-6225 (073)475-2984 (0166)31-6151 (075)672-9636 (0743)59-2770 (078)272-6645 (017)739-9712 (019)639-5120 (023)641-8100 (0857)26-9695 (0853)21-3133 (082)295-5011 (018)826-1600 (022)387-1117 (0243)34-1301 (0859)34-2129 (0855)22-6629 (083)986-4050 (0852)23-1128 (028)689-2555 (027)352-1109 (029)225-0249 (048)728-8960 (043)208-6011 (045)847-9720 (03)5477-9780 (025)286-0171 (0298)64-8756 (092)593-9036 (0564)55-5719 (088)698-1125 (055)222-5171 (087)868-9477 (086)292-1162 (088)866-3142 (089)971-2144 (097)556-3815 (0969)22-3125 (076)294-2683 (076)432-8705 (0263)86-9209 (054)287-9000 (0952)26-9151 (095)830-1658 (0985)85-6530 (096)367-6067 (099)250-5657 (0997)53-5101 (058)323-6010 (0577)33-0613 (0776)54-5606 (052)819-0225 (098)877-1207 0902 (059)255-1380 RF-ND277R RF-ND277R + - Operating Instructions (Refer to the illustration on page 2 for the location of the controls. ) Hold Slide up 8 to prevent accidental operation (“ ” lights). Release before operation. B Listening 1. Do steps 1 to 3 to select “ ” or “ ”. Press a numbered button 2 to select a station. Setting the time 1. 2 Press 6. Use in Japan AREA AREA numbers contain preset stations for different areas in Japan. Set the AREA to make tuning simple. + - A Setting Use outside of Japan Preparation: Change the AM steps and FM range. 1. 1 Push 6 up or down to select the minutes. The buzzer sounds for 2 to 3 minutes when the time elapses. Press any button to shut it off. Tuning 1. Push 6 up or down to select the frequency of the station. Adjust the volume. Using the earphone “#” and speaker “!” Switch ;. Reducing noise Switch < to “ ” for clearer reception. Presetting A Setting Set ten stations each in “ ” and “ ”. 1 Push 6 up or down so “ 2 Press 6. 1 Push 6 up or down either “ “ ” flashes. [. . . ] 1 Push 6 up or down so “ 2 Press 6. 1 Push 6 up or down either “ “ ” flashes. Tune to the station you want to preset (see above). [. . . ]

PANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100ダウンロード上のご注意


規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればPANASONIC RF-ND200/ND100のマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。



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