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Mode d'emploi PANASONIC TH-42PWD4VEX


   PANASONIC TH-42PWD4VEX (265 ko)

マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル PANASONIC TH-42PWD4VEX


[. . . ] V-Freq. 46. 9 kHz 75. 0 Hz SIGNAL SYNC H&V [PC] H-Freq. [. . . ] V-Freq. 46. 9 kHz 75. 0 Hz 37 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 10 10 2 38 4 4 4 5 5 6 5 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 How to Use Display panel unit Basic Operation This page introduces part of the basic operation methods of the TV. For more detailed instructions on the operation, points of caution, maintenance, what to do in case of malfunction, please contact the place of purchase. If the remote control is not usable, operate the television with the controls on the TV set. Mode of Picture conversion Input signal selector Sound Volume controllers TV&CATV Channel selectors Tuner Unit Power Remote control sensor First, push the power to turn on. Main :Only the dubbed Japanese-language signal is received. Sub :Only the original-language signal is received. Main & Sub :The dubbed Japaness-language signal come from the left speaker and the original-language signal comes from the right. Just Horizontally stretched a little at the center and gradually getting wider at both extremities. Full Horizontally widened with the mid-screen in the center. Zoom The entire picture area is enlarged with the midscreen in the center. 52 53 0570-087-087 (011)894-1251 (0155)33-8477 (0166)31-6151 0120-878-365 0120-878-236 Help desk for foreign residents in Japan Tokyo (03) 3256 - 5444 Osaka (06) 6645 - 8787 Open : 9:00 - 17:30 (closed on Saturdays /Sundays / national holidays) (017)739-9712 (0138)48-6631 (022)387-1117 (018)826-1600 (023)641-8100 (019)639-5120 (0243)34-1301 54 (0857)26-9695 (028)689-2555 (027)352-1109 (029)225-0249 (055)222-5171 (0298)64-8756 (045)847-9720 (048)728-8960 (025)286-7725 (087)868-9477 (043)208-6034 (0859)34-2129 (0855)22-6629 29 30 17 16, 47 29 31 29 28 44 15 23 38 26 25 24 22 26 21 31, 39 16 32 24 38 42, 43 25 12 21, 30 12 38 15 14 23 30 31 20, 49 39 32 27 15 38 28 28 12 31 39, 40 11 21, 29 17, 31 (086)292-1162 (03)5477-9780 (0852)23-1128 (0853)21-3133 (082)295-5011 (0839)86-4050 (088)866-3142 (088)698-1125 (076)294-2683 (076)432-8705 (052)819-0225 (0564)55-5719 (089)971-2144 (0776)54-5606 (058)323-6010 (092)593-9036 (0985)85-6530 (096)367-6067 (0969)22-3125 (0263)58-0073 (054)287-9000 (0577)33-0613 (0952)26-9151 (095)830-1658 (059)255-1380 (097)556-3815 (099)250-5657 (0997)53-5101 (077)582-5021 (0743)59-2770 (073)475-2984 (098)877-1207 (075)672-9636 (06)6359-6225 (078)272-6645 0101 55 S0602-0A (MS) [. . . ] Sub :Only the original-language signal is received. [. . . ]



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