Lastmanualsはユーザー主導型のハードウエア及びソフトウエアのマニュアル(ユーザーガイド・マニュアル・クイックスタート・技術情報など)を共有・保存・検索サービスを提供します。 製品を購入する前に必ずユーザーガイドを読みましょう!!!

もしこの書類があなたがお探しの取扱説明書・マニュアル・機能説明・回路図の場合は、今すぐダウンロード。Lastmanualsでは手軽に早くPANASONIC VE-CVW02Lのユーザマニュアルを入手できます。 PANASONIC VE-CVW02Lのユーザーガイドがあなたのお役に立てばと思っています。

PANASONIC VE-CVW02LのユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。

Mode d'emploi PANASONIC VE-CVW02L
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル PANASONIC VE-CVW02L


[. . . ] * 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 * 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C C C * 7 4 1 C C 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C C R 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 ( ) C 7 4 1 * 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C C C 03 5678 * 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C C C 03 5678 CAUTION:These telephones are for use in Japan only. They cannot be used in other countries because of differences in voltages, telephone switching system and radio regulation laws. * 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 * 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C C C C C B C B C C R 7 4 1 0 8 # 5 9 2 6 3 C A C # $ % & ' COLOR + , . [. . . ] Backside View # $ % & ' ( / 0 1 4 5 ) * + , 2 3 6 CAUTION:These telephones are for use in Japan only. They cannot be used in other countries because of differences in voltages, telephone switching system and radio regulation laws. Basic Operations Base unit (VE-CVC02L) s To make a call Lift the handset. \ Dial. To hear messages Dial your home phone number. \ While the outgoing message is played back. . . \ You will hear recorded messages if any. NOTE B This operation can be made only from telephones which can send DTMF signals. s To receive a call When the phone rings. . . \ Lift the handset. s To make a call using the speakerphone (Hands-free talk) Dial. To end the call, press . Personal phone (VE-CS210A) s To make a call Lift the personal phone from the charger or press ( () . \ Dial. . . . . . . To end the call, place the personal phone on the charger or press (1) . s To receive a call using the speakerphone (Hands-free talk) When the phone rings. . . \ Talk to the microphone. . . . . . To end the call, press . s To receive a call When the phone rings. . . \ Lift the personal phone from the charger or press . \ Talk. . . . . . To end the call, place the personal phone on the charger or press . s To place the current call on hold Press (, ) during a call. s To make a call using the speakerphone (Hands-free talk) Lift the personal phone from the charger and press . \ Dial. the call, place the personal phone on the charger or press s To retrieve the held call q During a call through your handset, press (, ) again. [. . . ] \ Enter the time in 4 digits (Press for 7:30 A. M. , for example). (Press (1) for ringing tone. ) \ Press (1) for alarm . " " appears on the display. to turn on the lamp. • The number after the button shows the location of the button described in the previous page. ~ â C C C C C C C C C C 0570-087-087 0120-878-365 06-6907-1187 0120-878-236 Help desk for foreign residents in Japan Tokyo (03) 3256 - 5444 Osaka (06) 6645 - 8787 Open : 9:00 - 17:30 (closed on Saturdays /Sundays / national holidays) 0570-087-087 (011)894-1251 (0166)31-6151 (0155)33-8477 (0138)48-6631 (077)582-5021 (075)672-9636 (06)6359-6225 (0743)59-2770 (073)475-2984 (078)272-6645 (017)739-9712 (018)826-1600 (019)639-5120 (022)387-1117 (0857)26-9695 (023)641-8100 (0243)34-1301 (0859)34-2129 (0852)23-1128 (0853)21-3133 (082)295-5011 (083)986-4050 (086)292-1162 (028)689-2555 (027)352-1109 (029)225-0249 (0298)64-8756 (048)728-8960 (043)208-6011 (03)5477-9780 (0855)22-6629 (087)868-9477 (055)222-5171 (088)698-1125 (045)847-9720 (025)286-0171 (092)593-9036 (0952)26-9151 (088)866-3142 (089)971-2144 (096)367-6067 (0969)22-3125 (099)250-5657 (0997)53-5101 (076)294-2683 (076)432-8705 (0776)54-5606 (0263)86-9209 (054)287-9000 (052)819-0225 (0564)55-5719 (058)323-6010 (0577)33-0613 (059)255-1380 (095)830-1658 (097)556-3815 (0985)85-6530 (098)877-1207 0902 C C C C C ¤ ¤ C [. . . ]

PANASONIC VE-CVW02Lダウンロード上のご注意


規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればPANASONIC VE-CVW02Lのマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。



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