ユーザーズガイド ROLAND SC-7
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ROLAND SC-7のユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル ROLAND SC-7
[. . . ] • Be very careful, when you assemble and move the SC-7, to make sure that you do not drop it on your hands or feet. • To move the SC-7, lift it carefully—all the while keeping it level. [. . . ] • When assembling the SC-7 stand, do not apply excessive pressure on any part. To do so can cause metal parts to get bent out of shape, and may damage wooden parts. • Should you remove screws, knob bolts, caps, and cord clamps, make sure to put them in a safe place out of children’s reach, so there is no chance of them being swallowed accidentally. ● Part Check (1) Before you begin assembling the stand, check that all the parts were supplied. ● Stand Assembly At first, assemble the entire stand in a temporary fashion, without really tightening the screws. Then, after checking the overall alignment of the boards (and gently shifting certain parts where necessary), go around and tightly fasten each of the screws. (1) Detach the pedal cord which are temporarily attached to the bottom of the pedal board. Attempting to transport the organ together with the stand may damage the connecting hardware. (1) Rotate the adjuster at the bottom of the pedal board to leave the floor. (2) Disconnect the power cord at the back of the organ. (3) Disconnect the stand’s pedal cord from the organ’s pedal cord.
Stand side
Pedal Cord
Note the shape of the connectors for the pedal cord. Connect the matching pairs of connectors, making sure they click into place. After the cords have been connected, grasp the connectors and gently tug on them to confirm that they’re connected properly, and won’t easily come apart.
(4) Remove the knob bolt (one each at left and right). (5) Push the organ slightly away from yourself to disengage the pins (one each at left and right) located on the bottom of the organ from the receiving slots of the stand, and take the organ off of the stand. [. . . ] After the cords have been connected, grasp the connectors and gently tug on them to confirm that they’re connected properly, and won’t easily come apart.
(4) Remove the knob bolt (one each at left and right). (5) Push the organ slightly away from yourself to disengage the pins (one each at left and right) located on the bottom of the organ from the receiving slots of the stand, and take the organ off of the stand. [. . . ]
ROLAND SC-7ダウンロード上のご注意
規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればROLAND SC-7のマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。