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RYOBI RHT700RのユーザーガイドをLastmanualsがお手伝いします。
RYOBI RHT700R (3074 ko)
マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル RYOBI RHT700RINFORMATION
[. . . ] Web www. apple. com/jp/environment
FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. L‘utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes :(1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif. [. . . ] Radio and Television Interference This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Apple’s instructions—it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices. If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: • Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops. • Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio. Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Industry Canada Statement
Complies with the Canadian ICES-003 Class B specifications. Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd.
California: The coin cell battery in the optional Apple Remote contains perchlorates. Special handling and disposal may apply. Refer to: www. dtsc. ca. gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate
KKApple Inc.
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ENERGY STAR® Bluetooth® Apple 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 U. S. A. [. . . ] App Store Apple Inc.
iTunes Store
ENERGY STAR® Bluetooth® Apple 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 U. S. A. www. apple. com 163-1480 www. apple. com/jp Apple Apple Option Shift K Apple Inc. [. . . ]
RYOBI RHT700Rダウンロード上のご注意
規約に同意して「マニュアルをダウンロード」をクリックすればRYOBI RHT700Rのマニュアルのダウンロードが開始されます。