ユーザーズガイド SHARP PW-A700
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マニュアル抽象的: マニュアル SHARP PW-A700
[. . . ] Sadness is not the same as depression.
I picked up some information that might interest you. I picked up two pieces of information that might interest you.
I'm having a driving lesson this afternoon. She's learning to play golf – she's had several lessons already. I'm going to buy a new pair of jeans.
Can we make space for an extra chair? [. . . ] She never learned to read.
He was forced to hand over the keys.
I wonder what the new job will be like. Did you see which way they went?
I expected her to pass her driving test first time. We'd love you to come and visit us.
I asked him where the library was. He teaches his students how to research a subject thoroughly.
Did you hear the phone ring just then?She watched him eat his lunch.
[V speech] It's snowing, she said. [V (that)] She said that it was snowing. I started looking for a job two years ago.
His comments set me thinking. I can smell something nice cooking.
I'd love to come, she beamed. he exploded.
I hate him joking (=the fact that he jokes) about serious things.
Tom's coming to lunch, she told him.
I hate his joking about serious things. [VN inf] [VN-ing] [VN] [V wh-] I watched him eat. I watched how the pianist used her left hand.
I didn't see the point of hanging around waiting for him, so I went home. I wish you wouldn't leave all those books lying around.
Jan turned down the chance to work abroad. Buying that new car has really eaten into my savings. I don't think I can put up with his behaviour much longer. I wish my ears didn't stick out so much. The garage projects 5 metres beyond the front of the house.
He sat down on the bed. He told me to shut us.
Shall we eat out tonight?Shall we eat tonight out?
I didn't really take to him. I didn't really take him to.
take to sb
She tore the letter up. She tore up the letter.
I ran into Joe yesterday. [. . . ] Get lost!
for certain
in any case
They decided to bury the hatchet and try to be friends again.
r r
\ r/
/zl/ /nl/
/drízl/ e
-ful /métl/ /n (r)ml/ e c
/næ∫ nl/ /ml/ /dl/ /gl/ /vl/ /∫l/ /n (r)m li/
/prizm/ /k tn/ /h (r ) dn/ /lésn/
r r r r r
/zm/ /tn/ /dn/ /sn/
/ m/ /pn/ /zn/ /fn/ /vn/
/rí m/ /hæpn/ /rí zn/ /kn/
/sl/ /rl/
/r sl/ /k r l/
/príns pl/ /kl/
/lóukl/ /glóubl/ /bjú t fl/ /-fùl/
e c v
/bl/ /fl/
from tóp to tóe
Latino (the A-), (F-), H-!
(the A-)
academy the Academy father (F-) Father hear H-!polio (<poliomyelitis) polio poliomyelitis at a END. loose end sing sung; sung) sang sung felt felt dream dreamt, dreamt dreamed, dreamed refer, cut, hot -ed, -er, -ing feel
at a loose end
(felt) dreamt, nàtionálity ármor, ármour académic(al) Hágue, The armor academic academical armour ed
dream, dream,
(-rr-), (-tt-), (-ck-)
(-rr-), (-tt-) -er, -est referred, referring; cutter, cutting; hotter, hottest mimic (-ck-) -ed, -ing
mimicked, mimicking -lllevel, travel -ed, -ing -ll-
(to do; that)
loath loath to do . . . ; loath that. . . ’a person’ one person hárebell . . . [. . . ]
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